Dune Restoration and Repair
Sand dunes are nature’s first line of defense in protecting coastlines from catastrophic flooding and damage to infrastructure caused by major Hurricanes or powerful Nor’easters. Ensuring a healthy dune and dune system is critical for all coastal communities. Aquatic-Marine, LLC’s dune restoration service works closely with State agencies to ensure that all environmental protection regulations and coastal construction protocols are strictly adhered to and observed. Aquatic-Marine uses only natural methodology in its dune restoration service by moving beach sand from near shore berms or borrow sites and onto the dune. This process uses only natural, high quality sand from the beach and eliminates the need for dredging thereby minimizing the impact on the resource. In some cases where there is not enough natural occurring sand to replenish the dune, Aquatic-Marine provides a sand hauling service utilizing inland borrow pits and ensuring that the sand has the same granular structure and color as natural occurring sand found along our beaches. The sand is then brought in by truck and moved onto the beach with heavy equipment and placed atop the dune. In either case, Aquatic-Marine, LLC’s dune restoration service’s main objective is to restore the dune to its pre-storm condition without altering the beach profile and focuses on rebuilding the dunes height and the dunes width to provide maximum storm protection. Upon completion of the dunes renourishment Aquatic-Marine, LLC continues with the restoration process by utilizing its beach grass planting service and dune fence installation service to stabilize and protect the dune. At Aquatic-Marine we also provide emergency dune repair in the event of a dune breach within the dune line and can shore up the dune to minimize flooding. Aquatic-Marine, LLC has provided dune restoration services to the majority of oceanfront communities throughout North Bethany and the surrounding Bethany Beach area and has also provided the service to private oceanfront homes throughout coastal Delaware. Call us today for a free consultation and estimate.