Dune Fence Installation
Installing dune fencing is one of the most effective ways in maintaining the overall health and stability of the dune. Dune fencing helps block pedestrian foot traffic from walking on the dunes which causes harm to the dune and damage to the overall dune system. More importantly, dune fencing provides a means of helping to trap windblown sand which accumulates along the fence line helping the dune to grow in width and height. Dune fencing also helps keep the sand that’s already on the dune from drift and migration which further aides in the development of the dune. When installed correctly and when using the right materials installing dune fencing is one of the most cost effective ways in maintaining a dune system and ensuring the dune’s future growth and development. At Aquatic-Marine, LLC our dune fence installation service uses eight foot landscape timbers dug four feet deep into the sand placed at the toe of the dune and spaced ten feet apart. Aquatic-Marine’s dune fence installation service then uses four foot high, natural wood slatted wire fencing. Careful attachment of the fence to the posts is critical and special attention needs to be given to the post set in relation to the dune. If the posts are set too far out the fence will lose its ability to trap sand. If the posts are set too far in the fence won’t be able to trap enough sand to help widen the dune. Installed correctly, the dune fence can trap enough sand over a one to two year period to heighten the dune by four feet or more and expand its dune width three to ten feet depending on the breadth of the dune toe at the time of installation. Aquatic-Marine, LLC’s dune fence installation service is the largest and most experienced dune fencing contractor in the area and has installed the dune fencing in nearly every oceanfront community throughout North Bethany and at private oceanfront residences throughout the Bethany Beach and South Bethany area. Call us today for a free consultation and estimate.